The Songs

While we're waiting for our first batch of songs to come in, we've gathered some songs from our songwriters that are on topic.
  • They're Not Like Us

    I wrote this song a few years ago, hoping I could stop singing it after a while. That hasn't happened. I am inviting others to sing it too.

    • Stan Davis
  • Refuge

    I wrote this song a few years ago, hoping I could stop singing it after a while. That hasn't happened. I am inviting others to sing it too.


    D There’s a Cat boat running with the G wind/
    A which is blowin up a D gale
    F#m Tryin to find a quiet Bm harbor/
    Em7 where she can drop her A sail
    G rabbit lopin through the D meadow /
    G moves with D out a A sound
    F#m Camouflaged to/stay un Bm noticed/
    G (Til he finds) his A (burrow un)der D ground

    CHO G Be my refuge be my D shelter /
    G... Be my D home and be my A land
    G Be my refuge be my D shelter..Bm/
    Em7/ would you A take me as I D am. Em7/ could you A take me as I D am.

    D There’s a young man sailing through the G storm/
    A without a compass or a D chart
    F#m Looking for a beacon he can Bm follow/
    Em7 that will guide him through the A dark
    G Not sure where he’s D headed/
    or G if he should sur D render to the A tide
    F#m all at once the fog is Bm lifting/
    G and the stars start A coming out to be his D guide
    D Seems like this world’s in constant G motion /
    A salmon swimming geese in D flight
    F#m People/ fleeing war and Bm famine/
    Em7 they keep movin' through the A night
    G looking for a shore that D welcomes/
    G north south D east or A west
    F#m In our search for sanctu Bm ary/
    G We’re all looking A for a place to D rest (2)

    • Stan Davis
  • Here in America (We've Got Love On Our Side)

    I've never been particularly politically active, other than voting regularly, but recent events have made me feel so powerless, angry, and sad. Writing this song was just one way I could think of to help in whatever way I can. It's part expression of my own feelings, part "Schoolhouse Rock" lesson, and part call to action.

    • Andrea Cole
  • The Great Divide

    My grandparents celebrated 70 anniversaries together in Belfast Maine. That whole time there was this one facet of their relationship that the family always found kind of amusing. Lately it seems more amazing to me than amusing.

    • Jud Caswell
  • Auntie's Chocolate Pie

    I had conversations with several friends about how they didn't want to go to Thanksgiving this year after the election. That got me thinking about what things draw the generations together for Thanksgiving. Plus, everyone in my family loves my auntie's chocolate pie!

    This is an example of a home recording. You don't have to worry about your recordings being fancy. We want to get them into the world as soon as possible!

    • Shannon McHarg